Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all had a fine and Merry Christmas, and you have my BEST wishes for a Happy New Year!

I had a wondeful time with my family; my elder niece regaled me with a detailed description of her adoration of the Twilight movie (which I have not seen yet). My younger brother, his wife, and I all went to see Wall-E at the discount theater - that's a great little movie, and I'm fairly certain it will be a classic. If you haven't seen it, come in and put your name on the list! Right now we only have 38 requests on 6 copies! That's just over a 6 week wait - you can watch it on Valentine's Day!

Don't forget - Tuesday is Game Day, and Wednesday is Movie Day. Game Day will be from 2:00 til 4:00, and the Movie will start at 1:00 to accomodate its length and our earlier closing time.

Free Food at both events! Teens and tweens 10 and up for Game Day - all ages welcome for Movie Day.

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