Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Game Night Report!

Last night was the Summer Championship Game!

We first ran the standard "Weekly Tournament" on Supersmash Brothers - and the winner was Joseph! What a surprise!

Then Joseph, Elijah, and Money - the three weekly winners who were present (Reggie was not here :( ) - competed on the "Mystery Game" for the Grand Championship. The Mystery Game turned out to be "Sports Party 2".

I originally intended that they should play Hoops, but the contestants all panned that, and convinced me to let them play Darts instead...

So they played one Three-Way Darts game, 5 rounds long. In the end, Money was the clear winner, with a score of over 250 points.

The Grand Prize was a very nice Nikon point-and-shoot camera, with a SIM card.

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