Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Review

A Sweet Disorder by Jacqueline Kolosov - Miranda is a sixteen year old in 15th century England, in the midst of Queen Elizabeth's reign. When Miranda's father dies unexpectedly, plunging the family into debt, she is sent to live with her father's cousins, the Earl and Countess of Turbury. Life is strange with the Countess, and Miranda longs for home. But when she discovers, after they go to Elizabeth's Court, that her cousins intend to marry her off for their own profit, she rebels. Miranda daringly takes her future into her own hands, and tries to win a place at Court on her own merits. Will she be able to win the Queen's favor? Will her own "trusted friend" betray her? Will she be able to escape marriage with Lord Seagrave? Filled with (mostly accurate) period detail, and written in the (modernized) voice of a believable, likeable young woman with pride and an independent spirit, this is a really lovely story. I give it 4 stars (only 4 because the ending could have been a bit less rushed, I think).

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