A place for you to voice your opinion, discuss books and find out about teen events and programs from the Waco-McLennan County Library
Monday, June 30, 2008
What's going on
Hey, we're deep in planning for the upcoming Stephenie Meyer "Breaking Dawn" party on Saturday, August 2nd. I'm going to teach the making of "duct tape roses" (in black and red, of course), and we're planning many different "black and red" food treats, among other interesting things.
Make sure to sign up soon to reserve your spot at the party - attendance is limited! And remember, we'll be giving away copies of the book to randomly drawn attendees. Everyone who is there will have an equal chance to win!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Books
Ten Cents a Dance by Christine Fletcher -- In 1940s Chicago, Ruby secretly works as a taxi dancer in a nightclub to escape poverty, but finds her secret increasingly difficult to keep.
Coyote Road -- Trickster tales, a great many from all over the world
World War Hulk (GN) -- Hulk returns to Earth got exact vengence on those that exiled him, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, and Black Bolt.
Incredible Herucles (GN) -- Some heros gather around Hulk, intending to protect their friend.
Batman vs. Two-Face (GN) -- Several stories, old and new, of Batman's battle against Two-Face
Batman Chronicles Vol. 5 (GN) -- More older stories of Batman.
I only said "yes" so that they'd like me and
Monday, June 23, 2008
Book Reviews
Hannah explains in sad, intimate detail exactly how the thirteen people on these tapes affected her, how their actions led her slowly but surely to make the decision to kill herself, and how each person could have changed that decision, if only they had not behaved the way they did.
Clay hasn't yet heard his own role in Hannah's decision at the point where I am, but I'm sure when he does he'll be devastated - he's a nice kid who liked Hannah, and he's already confused and afraid of what he'll find out about himself.
I love books that force both the characters, and the reader, to take a close look at themselves. This story isn't pretty - it's about insults, gossip, revenge and carelessness, as well as innuendo, lies and people's reactions to those lies. But it is a very honest book, and well worth reading. Just keep the hanky nearby...
And now for something Classic - "The Incredible Journey" by Sheila Burnford. This story has twice been made into a Disney movie, and it reads just like one. Two dogs and a cat are separated from their family and decide to make a 250 mile cross-country journey to get home. It's a heartwarming, sad-but-happy story about what happens to these loyal companions as they meet danger and trouble all the way... read it, smile, drip tears, and keep reading!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Game Night Report
We have also had several requests for a DDR tournament. I'm thinking we might be able to do a single-day tourney sometime in the fall (maybe over the Winter Break). If I get any positive feedback on that, I'll present the idea to my boss! So speak up now, either in comments here, or to me or anyone else at the Info Desk at the Central Library.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New YA Books are coming upstairs
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow -- In future police state kid hack state computers to right world
How to Build a House by Dana Reinhart (Book at RB Hoover, audio at Central) -- a girl escapes personal family problems by helping build a house for tornado victims
Dark Wraith of Shannara by Terry Brooks -- Graphic Novel that takes place after Wishstones of Shannara
Aqua by Kozue Amano -- Graphic Novel about a girl who wants to be a gondolier on Mars (in an alternate universe)
Batman: Joker's Last Laugh -- Graphic Novel about Joker getting his licks in before he dies from a terminal disease ... looks fun.
JLA Presents: Aztek the Ultimate Man -- Graphic Novel collection of the Aztek series from the 90s.
Dylan by Lisi Harrison -- Newest Clique Summer Collection
Unbelievable by Sara Shepard (Book at RB Hoover) -- Newest Pretty Little Liars book
Pendragon. Vol.1 Merchant of Death by DJ MacHale -- Graphic Novel version of Merchant of Death.
This looks like a really good crop of new books! Put your favorites on hold now before the list gets long...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Saturday Origami

This saturday is my "modular origami" program. Come fold paper with me! Origami is one of those cool things that I love to do, love to teach, and love to share. Learn to fold some beautiful boxes, interesting complex shapes made from simple units, and other "stuff". I'll bring lots of my books from home for you to look at and copy from, and some of my secret stash of origami papers, etc... I hope I'll see you between 2 and 4 on Saturday at Central Library.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Classic book reviews
Kipling wrote in the 1890's, so the vocabulary is old-fashioned, and it isn't a perfectly "politically correct" tale, so take what it says in context. It's well worth reading, anyway!
Katherine Patterson's novel "Jacob Have I Loved" is very different. Set in the 1940's on the Chesapeake Bay, it tells of Sara Louise and her twin sister Caroline. Louise is constantly in her beautiful sister's shadow, and thus comes the titular reference - "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated". It is a powerful and moving story of the effects of jealousy, and the motivations of the family around us.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Book Reviews
In "Saga", Erik and his buddies meet a girl named Ghost who lives to break the rules. But she needs help to defeat the Dark Queen...
Another New book I read recently is called "Bone by bone by bone" by Tony Jonston. David and Malcolm are best friends in 1940's Tennessee, a time and place where a white boy and a colored boy should not be friends. David's father forbids them to play together, but David breaks the rules, figuring that if he's survived one bootlace-lashing, how bad can another be? But in this coming-of-age tale, nothing is as simple or easy as it seems. This book is fun, scary and moving - also a quick, short read. Perfect for that summer car trip!
"The Thirteenth Tale" is a longer, more involved tale, set in some unnamed time in England, perhaps between WWI and WWII. It involves a young woman, Margaret Lea, who is commissioned to write the biography of a famous but secretive novelist, Vida Winter. Their stories of life, loss, identity and personal history become closely intertwined in this mysterious double plot. I read this book in one long gulp, and had to turn around and read it again, it was so good.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Two Classic book reviews
Dicey learns some hard lessons about trust, the importance of family, and loss. This is an excellent summer read - it will leave you sad and happy at the same time.
"Shade's Children" by Garth Nix is a totally different kind of story. It's dark, scary, and wild in the future. The city is abandoned, inhabited only by a few struggling children, hiding in the ruins, escaping from the Myrmidons. Four children, Gold-eye, Drum, Ninde and Ella hide and struggle to overthrow the inhuman Overlords and their servants. They are aided by Shade, the oldest living human (or close to human) they know. But can they trust him? Will they succeed in their daring plans to destroy the Great Projector?
What do you think of these novels? Do you have others you'd like to review?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Books coming up
Confessions of a Serial Kisser by Wendilynn Van Draanen (RBH) -- Girl out to find the ultimate kiss
Hulk Visionaries v. 5
Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the Crystal Skull -- the graphic novel of the new movie.
2 more copies of Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
Dead and the Gone by Michelle Pfeffer -- sequel to Life as We Knew It (and it's really really good but sad)
Essential X-Men vol. 4 -- Has the first stories of the Brood, Star Jammers, Madelyne Prior, and the entire GN of God Loves, Man Kills - all biggies in the X-Men history
Heroes for Hire vol. 3 -- will World War Hulk go well, or is there trouble ahead?
Airhead by Meg Cabot -- the nerdy girls gets a body transplant of famous model.
Ever by Gail Levine -- Girl falls in love with a god.
How To Be Bad by E. Lockhart -- 3 girls take a road trip to Miami.
Stephenie Meyer Goodies

Breaking Dawn!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Teen Scene Kickoff Party

Well, we survived the big event! The band was fabulous. Thanks to all of you who braved the heat to come out and see them. We have pictures! Look on the Teen Page for more.
The gaming was great, too. I even played a couple rounds of DDR, but was soundly trounced by my opponents. Don't forget we'll have more gaming going on all through June and July... on Thursday nights will be the Supersmash brothers Tournament with open gaming, just for Teens, and on Saturdays in July will be the Open Gaming afternoons for Teens and the rest of the family, too.
Hope to see you there...