Green Lantern [2011] Vol. 1, Sinestro -- In the aftermath of a deadly showdown between the Green Lantern Corps and a mysterious foe from the past, Hal Jordan has been stripped of his ring. Left standing is an unexpected new Green Lantern in town: Sinestro! And now, this renegade GL has set a course for Korugar with one purpose: to free his homeworld from the scourge of his own Sinestro Corps, with the not-so-willing help of Hal Jordan!
Batman, Incorporated. Vol. 1 -- The war on crime is about to go global. Returned from a fate worse than death and once again wearing the mantle of the Bat, Bruce Wayne is no longer merely Batman's secret identity. Now he's the public face and financier of Batman, Inc.-- a worldwide army of like-minded crimefighters sworn to protect society from its own worst elements. From Tokyo to Paris, from Argentina to Australia, from war-torn African villages to poverty-stricken Native American reservations, a network of Dark Knights is taking the fight to the enemy-- and evil has no place to hide. Or does it?
Batman. Through the Looking Glass -- Batman meets his foe the Mad Hatter for the very first time, landing The Dark Knight in a Wonderland he could never have imagined, hot on the heels of a white rabbit. But, is this strange place real or a hallucination? Robin and Alfred have to believe he's deep in delirium -- but if that's the case, how does he manage to resolve several mysteries that have plagued Gotham City for decades.
Wonder Woman [2011] Vol. 1, Blood -- Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, has kept a secret from her daughter all her life, and when Wonder Woman learns who her father is, her life will shatter like brittle clay. The only one more shocked than Diana by this revelation? Bloodthirsty Hera. So, why is her sinister daughter, Strife, so eager for the truth to be told?
X-Men Legacy. Vol. 9, Back to School -- Based at the new Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Rogue leads a squad of veteran X-Men charged with teaching -- and safeguarding -- the next generation of mutants. But, that proves to be no easy task when new threats emerge every day at the school, from the interdimensional demons known as the N'Garai to an out-of-control Weapon Omega. And the deadliest enemy of all may be the near-omnipotent mutant called Exodus, who blames Wolverine and his team for the schism that split the X-Men in two, and he'll do everything in his vast power to reunite the species -- including removing anyone who stands in his way.