Graphic Novels:
Transformers. Dark Prelude -- Collects six tales that fill in the background stories of such characters as Thundercracker, Bumblebee, and Trailcutter.Thor. The Dark World Prelude -- collecting the official adaptation of Marvel's Thor and an all-new adventure leading you directly into the upcoming Marvel Studios blockbuster Thor: the Dark World ! First, get introduced to the world of Asgard and witness the origin of Marvel's mightiest hero! Then, find out what happened to your favorite Asgardians between the events of Thor and Marvel's the Avengers.

Wonder Woman Chronicles Vol. 3 -- Wonder Woman battles German spies, the mysterious Mole Men, Dr. Psycho, with the help of Army Major Steve Trevor, as well as Etta Candy and the Holliday Girls.
Maximum Ride [the manga] Vol. 7 -- Fang's blog highlights ITEX and their research, causing them to shut down, while Max goes to Antarctica to study the effects of global warming.
Witch and Wizard the manga Vol. 3 -- Although Whit and Wisty's magic and their control over it have matured, they still find themselves helpless to prevent the one who is the one from destroying everyone and everything they hold dear. But there's a reckoning on the horizon, and the siblings have no choice but to devise a strategy to topple with one decisive blow the tyrant who has devastated their world before he becomes truly all-powerful.

Saints by Gene Yang -- China, 1898. An unwanted and unwelcome fourth daughter, Four-Girl isn't even given a proper name by her family when she's born. She finally finds friendship -- and a name, Vibiana -- in the most unlikely of places: Christianity. But China is a dangerous place for Christians. The Boxer Rebellion is in full swing, and bands of young men roam the countryside, murdering Westerners and Chinese Christians alike. Torn between her nation and her Christian friends, Vibiana will have to decide where her true loyalties lie -- and whether she is willing to die for her faith.