Friday, March 27, 2009

Book Review

Well, I just finished reading a pair of books.

First was Devil's Breath by David Gilman. This is the first in a projected series about fifteen year old Max Gordon - the DANGER ZONE series - Max is a seemingly ordinary school kid in England when someone tries to kill him. He soon discovers that his father - world traveler, archaeologist and scientist - is missing somewhere in Africa.

Max must evade those who would kill him, resist those who would stop him, travel around the world, risk danger and death, to find the sadistic, powerful man who wants his father dead. This book packs an exciting plot, a likeable character, and some good writing into a tight package. While I may not deliberately read more of this series, I definitely enjoyed reading this action/thriller/spy novel. In fact, if you are a fan of Anthony Horowitz, run, don't walk to this book.

Second was Impossible by Nancy Werlin. The tale of a modern young woman who discovers she and her entire maternal line before her are the recipients of a faery curse. She soon finds that it is desperately urgent that she break the curse... or she will go mad, and doom her daughter to a similar fate. Romantic, realistic, fantastical, and yet sensible, this story has a bit of everything in it. I'd suggest if you like Hilari Bell or Melissa Marr, or Robin McKinley, you will find this beautifully written romantic fable to your taste.

The third story I've recently reread is an old favorite of mine; A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace and her mother are upset by the arrival of a stranger, who sets the brother and sister on a quest to discover what a tesseract is, and how it plays into the disappearance of their father. This classic novel, first published in 1962, introduces a whole host of stories that involve Meg, her family, eventually her children, and several other families. L'Engle is a gifted writer whose stories never disappoint.

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