Monday, July 12, 2010

Book Review

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp by Richard Yancey. Being the first in the Alfred Kropp adventure series, this book is a very exciting and adventurous story. Orphaned Alfred (6'+ tall at age 16) lives with his uncle, who works as a security guard. When his uncle gets involved in a plan to steal a sword from his employer, Alfred knows he shouldn't agree; but he can't tell his uncle "No". Everything goes wrong, and Alfred realizes that everything he did was wrong; now he has to make the right decisions, rescue the sword, make the knight Bennacio proud of him, and save the world from destruction. All without any help, nor any idea how to do it!

Alfred's adventures are fast-paced, exciting and fascinating. He's a bumbler, always managing to do things just a little wrong, and without any clear ideals. When he understands what's right, he's willing to do it, but things aren't always clear or obvious. When he meets Bennacio, he hopes the knight will tell him what to do, but even then, the ultimate decision comes down to him. Can he save the world, or will he die trying? Find out for yourself!

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