Monday, March 19, 2012

Book Review

Over the weekend I finished "The False Princess" by Eilis O'Neal. This adventure story starts with Princess Nalia's discovery that she is NOT the princess, but instead an ordinary girl named Sinda, who has been disguised all her life, so as to protect the real princess-in-hiding from a prophecied evil fate. She is sent off to live with an unknown Aunt, and thus begins to discover what real life is about. Sinda is a remarkable girl, bruised but not broken by the blow fate and her step-parents delivered to her. She struggles to find a life for herself, making mistakes along the way, but able to find her own way in the end, and become who she needs to be to save her kingdom and the people in it from evil. The secondary characters are also very well-drawn. Orianne, the true princess, is a gentle and kind girl who becomes Sinda's friend, and Kiernan, who was Nalia's best friend growing up, is a complex and interesting love-interest for Sinda.

Overall, if you love strong, adventurous heroines and well-drawn plots with interesting world-building, this is a story you will enjoy.

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