Superman. Action Comics. Vol. 1, Superman and the Men of Steel -- In these startling tales, the people of Metropolis turn on their new champion! Plus, the Superman of today and the Legion of Super-Heroes must save the jeans-wearing Superman of five years ago!
Uncanny X-Men the Complete Collection by Matt Fraction Vol. 1 -- Norman Osborn is determined to deal with the "mutant problem" once and for all. He and the X-Men find themselves locked in a high-stakes chess match with the prize being their respective visions of utopia -- but which side of the board is Emma Frost on? And who are the Dark X-Men? Then, Cyclops has created a mutant nation off the coast of California, and Magneto's sudden return has stunned the X-Men But, the hits keep coming as a herd of Predator X's show up, hungry for mutant flesh! Plus, Namor joins, Beast departs, and an X-Club member dies!
X-Men Legacy [2013]. Vol. 1, Prodigal -- Legion is the most powerful and unstable mutant in the world, and son to Professor Charles Xavier. After Professor X's tragic death, Legion will finally attempt to tame his fractured mind, conquer his inner demons, and embrace his father's legacy! First, Legion tries to help newly manifested mutant twins, exploited by a criminal cartel in Japan. But, the twins have plans of their own, as do Legion's inner demons! Then, two new villains have begun plotting Legion's demise. But, little does he know one of them is lurking within his own psyche, and the other is hiding among the X-Men themselves!
X-Men [2010]. Vol. 8, Reckless Abandonment -- When Storm's field agents are kidnapped and a weapon of the X-Men's making goes missing, the X-Men must make a choice ... the destruction of a life or the survival of a weapon. Then, Storm's leadership is called into question in the aftermath of the "Mutant Scare." Will there be a new team member? And what side are they really on? The Storm-Cyclops divide widens as the team starts to unravel, and Colossus has his own agenda. Will he leave the team to pursue it? Plus, Domino has always been lucky ... or maybe the people around her are just unlucky. It's Domino vs. the X-Men!
X-Men Legacy. Avengers vs. X-Men -- Avengers She-Hulk, Falcon and Moon Knight are tasked with securing Wolverine's Jean Grey School -- but Rogue and her team of X-Men aren't too happy about it! Then, as the war between the Avengers and the X-Men rages on, Frenzy's past is revealed -- and Rogue confronts hers head-on as she battles Ms. Marvel in a clash that will leave one woman with a changed allegiance!
X-Men. Longshot -- Meet Longshot. He's a man without a past who possesses an uncanny lucky streak ... and he's on an existential quest through the Marvel Universe. But as Longshot deals with the quirkier aspects of American society, he must learn the secrets behind his enigmatic identity and accept his destiny as a hero. Along the way, he meets a crazed militiaman, demons from his mysterious otherworldly home, a daring stuntwoman named Ricochet Rita, ram-headed Quark, and Marvel heroes Spider-Man, She-Hulk, and Dr. Strange.
Avenging Spider-Man. Vol. 3, Threats & Menaces -- Back in the team-up biz! He's been Amazing, he's been Spectacular, he's been Sensational. Now, Spider-Man is doing a little Avenging, and he's brought a few of his pals along for the ride. Ever the social animal, the wallcrawler has a proud tradition of fighting side-by-side with heroes from across the Marvel Universe. And now that he's a card-carrying member of both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, he can't go far without swinging into a teammate or two. Step forward the rascally Red Hulk, the hotheaded Hawkeye, and the legendary Captain America as Spidey bonds with Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
Bad Machinery Vol. 1, The Case of the Team Spirit -- Set three years after the events in Scary Go Round. Six kids navigate the treacherous waters of school and adolesence while wholeheartedly diving into the whirlpool of mysteries that swirls around the peculiar English town of Tackleford. Shauna, Charlotte, and Mildred just want to help the mysterious old immigrant woman keep her home. Jack, Linton, and Sonny just want to find out why the owner of the local football stadium has been plagued by a curse. If only the two groups could stop fighting with each other, they might realize that there's a shared solution.
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