Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summer days are fading fast

Well, summer is fading ... couple weeks and school will be back in session. So be sure to make one last trip by the library to get in your last few good books before you have to go back to studying...

One favorite I made sure to read just about every summer is The Hobbit. I know, every fantasy reader has already read it. Or have you? If not, you really should. And if you're not a fantasy reader, this is the ONE classic fantasy novel you should tuck into.

Probably even if you haven't read the book, you've seen the animated movie... or heard that Steve Jackson, maker of the LOTR trilogy, will be making a movie of The Hobbit. Don't be fooled - it isn't the same as the book!

Follow Bilbo, the fat, home-loving, unadventurous, eponymous (that means "of the title") little fellow who gets dragged out his door by Gandalf the Wizard, and sent on the adventure to end all adventures. Bilbo discovers that "adventure" really means "discomfort", and "bravery" really means being sensible, but he also discovers that elves are splendid, dragons are terrifying, and no matter how uncomfortable, adventures will broaden your horizons. This tale is the one that all future fantasy tales are measured against; whether they follow Tolkien's mold, or try to break it, all fantasy writers (and readers) must be aware of it.

And for those who love language, Tolkien's writing is a feast like few others. Read and enjoy!

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