Friday, January 2, 2009

Well, it is a new year, and I hope you are all ready to take on new challenges!

My goal for this year is to begin keeping a list of all the books I read. Ha! I'll try to keep up with that list here for all of you to enjoy...

Right now I'm in the midst of 2 graphic novels; Serenity; those left behind by Joss Whedon, and Batman Chronicles, volume 1. Serenity is based on the shortlived TV series Firefly, which I adored. The GN is not quite grabbing me, but we'll see when I get more than 5 minutes to read it!

Batman Chronicles starts at the very beginning of the comics as they were published in the 1930's. Right now it's very funny (unintentionally so) because the stories are so simplistic and the illustrations are quite amateurish. It's hysterical seeing Bruce Wayne in a mustard yellow plaid leisure suit! High fashion of the day!!!

What are you reading? Feel free to comment here.

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